In this episode, we begin reading my debut novel, SINGULARITY DEFERRED.

We’ll read only about the first 10 out of 30 chapters, one per episode, before moving on to other more diverse topics and guests. This will serve as a sample of the novel before you might buy it, or if it’s still going on, contribute to the Kickstarter to help fund its publication and distribution.

The complete audiobook will be published for free on Podiobooks, probably coinciding with the end of the Kickstarter and the beginning of the hardcopy publishing.

For more information on this novel, now and in the future, including a text/ebook sample, see the page:

Thanks for checking it out — hope you enjoy!


(Theme music:

“Cybernetic -Feat Zefora” (Stizreth) / CC BY 3.0

Intro music: “Oxygen Garden” by Chris Zabriskie
CC: Share, Non-Commercial, Attribute


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