sorry 🙁
I’m afraid I’m going to have to renege on that earlier promise to go through a rough draft process using the book First Draft in 30 Days. That is, I’m probably going to continue using the book, but I’m afraid if I try to analyze and review and blog about each step, I’ll be doing more words of that than my actual story! And right now, I can’t afford that. Let me explain:
I was laid off of my day-job last week. Sort of. That is, my job goes away by the end of June, and technically I’m without a main income (and insurance) at that time. But, I can apply at my work for one of the new jobs that are replacing it. I’m hopeful, and I have a good chance–but nothing is certain and I have to just assume that I’m going to be unemployed in 2 months. And even if I’m not, this event is showing me that I have to kick my writing and publishing efforts into full gear if it is to become a viable second income any time in the near future.
What this means is that, while have one collection of short stories out there, and soon an e-book novel (the Kickstarter is apparently not going to meet its goal, which means no print version in the foreseeable future), I need to really start pumping out the books! And then, get the publishing imprint going once I have the product and experience out there to back it up.
So, from here on out, I need to pump out the words hardcore on my next manuscript, and not take the time for long blog posts. Sorry. 🙁 In any case, I’m still too inexperienced of a writer to be showing off my early research and sketch-notes! Perhaps, once this next novel is completed, I can take the creation materials and do a retrospective on how the book worked. We’ll see.
Anyway, since the topic of work and jobs has been broached, I want to share something I found on BoingBoing this evening: a leaked copy of highly successful video game company’s employee manual. Reading that PDF and seeing how well they’ve incorporated a ROWE/anarcho-collective work environment–makes me very jealous! Although, once I can transfer my writing/publishing into my main job, I’ll have my own results-only work environment, and maybe I’ll make up a similarly creative and rewarding employee manual for myself. 🙂
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